Dear Espresso:
I can't even begin to articulate how much you matter to me. The fact that you start my day and maintain my energy and my happiness is too much to bare. I just wanted to write you a few kind words.
You make my latte taste like a latte, you make my mocha a mocha instead of a hot chocolate, you also allow me to experiment with you in so many different combinations. I add syrups, creams, or even consume you plainly.
But, what really makes you so special to me is your journey from a plant to a roasted espresso bean. You go through so much to enlighten the lives of millions. The ideas you have seen come to life and create success is a mystery, but without you, most of us would not feel complete. The nights that I stayed up studying, or thinking a lot about life - you were there with me through those times when I needed to be alone or get things done. You have also been there through some social situations that were awkward. But, that is not the only reason why I keep you around.
Finally, you give me a purpose to succeed. You have allowed me to explore an entire industry that is just so phenomenal on so many different levels. You have also never betrayed me unless you are in decaf form, but that has yet to happen and I know that is out of your control.
You will always be my morning pick me up, my go-to when I need something to improve my mood, but most of all, you will never leave my life.
Someone who loves you more than a kid loves cake.