Here on the Odyssey, we have a pretty close community, and I’d say the writing circle on campus has a pretty good relationship as well. We check in on each other, ask about what they’re working on, etcetera. However, the chronic problem with writers is their habit to procrastinate on their writing. Now I think it’s safe to say most people procrastinate, however as a writer who procrastinates there are some other issues that pop up, which causes a myriad of issues for my beloved editors who then suffer.
I’d like to start by apologizing for my flimsy excuses for late writing. Sometimes I say I want to put more time into an article, which is true, but sometimes that means I’m doing further research to support my point while other times it means i wrote a listicle in 5 minutes on a napkin from Starbucks and I need to find that. Other times it’s a more simple “it’s been a long week” and I didn’t have the time, yet I know you see my snapchat and saw me have movie night with all my friends, and go out on yet another Target run, and napping at 2 in the afternoon when my class was cancelled…..I admit I had some opportunities.
What may be even worse is when there’s no excuse text. Instead I just slide my article in two hours late, a day late, nearly two days late and burn in shame without confessing to you I’m a mess of a person and owning up to it. I apologize for my lack of apology and would promise to do better if I didn’t have doubt that it will probably happen again one day.
I promise I always have the intention to complete work on time and write a quality article that is both funny and enlightening and contributes to our community but sometimes I’m rushed or I sit down and my brain is empty and so another hastily written article it is. I know you guys work really hard to edit my trash and try to make it more presentable and you do a great job of promoting good material to writers and being a supporting hand and reaching out to writers. It’s on me when I’m stuck and don’t reach out so I apologize for not being more proactive.
All you editors do an amazing job to make sure my title actually makes sense (a weakness, I admit), you’re a blessing when it comes to typos, and somehow your magic wand that fixes formatting makes us all look a bit glossier when it comes to share. On behalf of all writers, we do our best and don’t mean to let you down now and then and appreciate how much work you put into our writing before it goes to print. We know you all have a lot to edit and not much time to do it. You’re amazing, you’re doing great, you’re appreciated. I’ll try to make sure I hand my article in by deadline next week….and if I don’t please don’t hate me.