Dear Ed,
It has officially been 11 months since you posted this note to your fans on social media signaling that you were going off the grid.
The key phrase I took away from this was, "See you all next autumn." To me this meant you were going to release a surprise album in the fall of 2016. Fall officially began Sept. 22 and still no sign of you. I won't lie, these have been some of the longest months of my life. I constantly check Twitter for sightings, refresh iTunes every Thursday and then there are rumors you got married and I just can't take it. So please Ed, for the sake of all that is good, PLEASE come back.
Sometimes I think to myself
Ever since you left I'm...
I've sworn away from listening to your music because it's just too hard.
But then "Thinking Out Loud" plays when I'm driving in the car.
I know you may think this will make fans more dedicated and they will really learn something but....
Sometimes I try to find a new favorite artist but I can't stop feeling like I'm doing you wrong.
What if you've loved your break and don't come back the same?
I don't know what to do to pass the time anymore.
Eleven months of my life that I can't get back...
Please tell me how I'm supposed to get through Winter without a new album.
Ed, just please come back so I can celebrate!
No, but seriously. Ed if you're reading this, please come back. There is literally nobody else in the industry who writes lyrics such as "I can do without a tan. On my left hand, where my fourth finger meets my knuckle." I hope you're well and the third album is coming along!
A true fan