Dear Donald Trump,
2016 is a big year for you. You have become a candidate for possibly becoming the next president of the United States of America. People somehow have supported you in this election, though I will never know how. Trust me, this is not an open letter of why I support you, but a letter of why I cannot stand you and will not be voting for you in this election. The fact that you could become president is a scary thought, it does scare the living hell out of me that you can possibly take over this country. You leading in polls is not what I wished for. Though there are many reasons why I will not, nor will I ever support you in this election.Though the list could go on and on of why I do not support you, I will focus on why most women, do not support: you are a racist pig.
The top reason I will never, and I mean never, will support you in this election, is that you do not have a single ounce of respect for any woman on this planet. "Grab them by the pussy" is a comment you decided to make. What does that even mean? Why would you even say something like that? As a female, I am strong, I am independent, but I will not have a man control me and think he could do whatever he wanted because of my lady parts. How do you think that makes women of America feel when you tell their spouses, dads, grandpa's, or any other male in their life, that all they have to do is grab a woman by the vagina, and they can do whatever they please. It is not only heart wrenching to hear, but it is wrong on more than one level. Also and I quote, "I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." Why in the world would you say that about your daughter? To me, that is nothing you should ever say about your child. It gives the impression that it is okay for other fathers to say that about their daughters. As someone with a lot of money, it is pushed aside because your "famous" and you're "rich." It is not okay for you to have any right to downgrade women. It is not okay for you to think that just because you have more money or you have more power that it is just okay for you to not care about women and body shame. It is not. How women support you I will never know, but I will not.
So you are going to sit there and tell me, that rape is okay? That is not okay to put both women and men together in the military? Let's look at it this way, we are not going to separate men and women in the military just for your "benefit." We are not going to separate women and men, just so men will not assault women in any way. Women get assaulted and raped every single day, without reporting it, because they fear people like you telling them it is okay for a man to rape them. It is just okay that someone got a few minutes of pleasure even if no was said multiple times. It is NOT okay that this happens to women. Those who join the military, go because they want to serve the country and do something that brings something better to their country. They should not have to fear any man. So "thank you" for simply saying that it is okay just to do these things.
As I sit here and read this statement that you made, I get angry. I get angry that you think that feeding a child is making women objectifying herself. I am angry that you think that a woman is "asking to get raped" if she decides to breastfeed her child. I am angered that you believe that a mother taking care of her child is not only "asking for it" but it is just a women just showing her breast to everybody that is asking to see it. A mother chooses to breastfeed her child. A mother makes the choice that it best for her child to do so. Why is it that you make is okay just to say that women are only an object to you and will be nothing more?
I am very angered Donald Trump, that you decided that you cannot have respect. I am angered, that as women, that you will only ever see me as an object, as someone who does not have rights, as someone that a man can just "grab by the pussy" and he will have total control of me. You are the worst type of man in this world. You believe that just because you are a white, very rich male, with a ton of power that you can just say what you want and people will just follow you. I do not see how you will run a country and I do not see how you have gotten this far in the rest. Though I do hope that women see you for the racist pig that you really are. I hope that women will one day see you for the wrong choice. I hope that other women who see you for who you really are, are angered and afraid as I am.
A woman who will never have respect for you.