Dear Pepper,
We've had the best summer together. After being gone for so long, we had an amazing summer together: cuddling every day, playing with all your toys, and even going fun places for pup cups and ice cream. Things finally felt back to normal, and now I'm turning your world upside down, again. All of a sudden I was filling bags with my things while you sat on my bed waiting for head pats as I passed by. You watched me load the car from behind the glass door, not knowing why and wondering when I'd pay attention to you again. I came back in the house prepared to give you a heartfelt goodbye, but there's no way to explain why I'm leaving. With one last kiss on your head, I left for the semester.
I know you will wait every day for me to walk back in the door, and it breaks my heart that I can't bring you with me. What's even worse, though, is knowing you'll get used to me being gone. Soon you'll be back to your happy-go-lucky self, snuggling up to Mom and Dad every night. I like to think I'll come across your mind every now and then, but ultimately you'll learn to live without me. Dad will figure out how to scratch you the way I did or Mom will start giving you the last bite like I did. By the time I see you next, you'll be waiting for me to leave again. Each time I leave the house, you'll wonder if I'm actually coming back this time.
I want you to know that you'll always be my baby. I'll look at the million pictures I have of you on my phone and remember all the good times we had, even if you don't. Each time I come home to see you, not a moment will be wasted: we'll play with every toy, I'll give you treats in secret, and I'll shower you with love built up from days of missing you. And just you wait for the day that I come home and you watch me empty my car full of my things. You'll sit on my bed and wait for a head scratch while I unpack my bags. Once I'm unpacked, we'll start another amazing summer together.
I know you won't understand why I left in the first place, and you might be mad at me for a while. I never meant to make you feel abandoned, and I hope you know I'm coming back the next time I pull out that old suit case. I've known ever since that day at the shelter when I brought you home, that we were meant to be. I could never ask for a more loyal and loving best friend than you. You got me through high school, and I need you more than ever to make it through college. I'm sending all my love to you.
See you soon sweetheart, Your Best Friend