I, along with many other students in the Greek community, am heavyhearted over the restructure of Greek Week at Ohio University. Greek Week is the primary time every member of the Greek Community is able to come together to feel a sense of unity with one another.
I understand the actions of a certain fraternity yield punishment due to making the multicultural community withdrawal from Greek Week from uncomfortable libel written on the wall on Richland. No one should condone “Trump 2016 -- Build a Wall” written on university property and racist slurs through group messages. However, the other fraternities and sororities should not be punished for the actions of certain individuals.
Why should many organizations that values inclusion, be punished?
No, I am not just saying this because I want to drink at socials every night of the week. I am coming from a place of concern for the well being of our community. The rest of the Greek organizations should build each other up and encourage the multicultural students to rejoin Greek Week instead of letting a few individuals set the precedent of dishonorable behavior.
What about our favorite skit/dance competition Airbands? Why is that canceled? This is one of the only Greek events that brings everyone together in an auditorium to cheer on one another. So many members of the Greek community, including myself, have put endless amounts of time into practicing for an event we have worked so hard to perform. Think of the time we have spent practicing the dances, rehearsing the skit, and building the set. You’re going to cancel such an amazing event because the actions of only a few individuals? That is not fair to members who were not even aware of the circumstances before being blindsided with such depressing news.
As a senior, I am upset that we are deprived of our last huge, week-long event. My hope is that you take our thoughts into consideration while wanting to re-build the broken community that we were once proud of.
Jenna Guyot