Dear Dad,
There are so many things that I could thank you for doing throughout my childhood, and leading me to the person I am today. While a simple letter may not ever be enough to fully express my gratitude and appreciation for all of the things you did and continue to do; hopefully, it can be a start.
From the time I was little, you were always there to cuddle me when I was sick, to dress up in silly costumes with me, you were there to even play with my Barbies when I asked, and you never once complained. You encouraged me to partake in extracurricular activities and never made me feel bad when I felt like I wasn’t good at anything. It was you that taught me majority of my sport knowledge and it was you who made me feel included by letting me play road hockey with the boys. You were the one who introduced me to all of my favorite foods and all of Adam Sandler’s best movies.
Thank you for never assuming gender roles. You never made me feel like I shouldn’t be involved in “guy things” but on the flip side, I also appreciate you letting me paint your toenails for all those years. You came to my dance recitals, choir practices, and were right there when I wanted to see what softball was all about. Flash forward to years later; you were the person that taught me how to change the oil in my car and helped me search for the perfect vehicle.
You were the one who taught me all about integrity and even though you do your best to act tough, I know you have the most sincere heart out of anyone. You taught me all about self-worth and how I shouldn’t settle for anything less than I deserve in any aspect of my life. You supported me through all of my mistakes and successes and encouraged me to do the things I love, and to never give up. You’ve always been the one who taught me that I should stand up for what I believe in and never let anyone push me around. You’ve always ensured my safety and well being above anything, including your own.
I know that having a daughter isn’t always easy, but I appreciate how you’ve handled everything with as much patience as you could muster and at the end of the day, still did the best that you could do. I’ve been fortunate enough to have such a supportive father like you, someone who has always been my #1 fan, and my own personal comedian. I know that as I move and get my own place, it may feel like you’re losing me but I can assure you that I’ll always be your little girl.
Thank you for being apart of all my crazy adventures up until now and I can’t wait for you to be apart of the ones in the future. Thank you for always being in the picture and for never failing to be the perfect definition of how a father should be. Thank you for setting an example of the type of men I should be dating. Thank you for encouraging me to live my dreams no matter how far it takes me. You’ve helped shape me to be the person I am today and I’m so thankful to have a dad like you. Lastly, thank you for all the things you do and for everyday, teaching me to be a little more like you.
Love always,
Your Little Girl