The overly confusing boy: every girl knows and probably hates one. You probably have someone in your head just based on the first sentence. He probably uses the phrase "I don't know" multiple times in just one conversation. He also probably makes you so confused that it makes you kind of mad. Although that might just be me, who knows.
Even though they irritate the heck out of us, we still choose to put up with them. At times our friends probably wish we wouldn't considering how crazy they drive us. "He should know what he wants with you," is something that I constantly hear from all of my friends. I totally see where they're coming from since I say the same thing to them, but let's face it, every girl has her confusing boy. The sad part is that sometimes he's just your friend. You have to go through all the confusion just for nothing to ever change. In my opinion, that is definitely the worst.
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The funny thing is that guys generally see girls as the confusing one. Yet, every girl knows that it is the other way around. Guys hardly ever make it clear what they want and often end up leading us on because of it. No matter how confusing he may be, we continue to put up with it. Girl brains like to hope for something that may not even exist. If guys were upfront then this might not occur as much.
So to all the guys out there that are hopefully reading this, just stop. Being confusing will get you nowhere with a girl. Just be straight forward. Don't bother with mixed signals. Also, the whole treating us different depending on the day or who is around isn't cool. It just confuses us even more. We appreciate brutal honesty more than you think. If you don't want the same thing we do then yeah, it sucks but we will feel so much better finding that out instead of having false hope.
I bet most of you are sitting there saying that you're never confusing but that's about 75 percent false. Every guy has been confusing to some girl at some point in their life. It might not be on purpose. Side note, if it is then you're terrible. You probably don't even realize you're doing it but you are. You'd think we'd leave but let's face it, we kind of like how crazy you drive us. It just adds to how we feel about you. I want you to do something right now if this even possibly relates to you. Text her. Explain how you feel and what you want. Right this second. She will appreciate it. As for those girls getting the texts, I hope it all works out for you. If not, then maybe try to find a less confusing boy.