An Open Letter to the Common Application | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter to the Common Application

Maybe I'm getting too obsessed...

An Open Letter to the Common Application
Mom Blog

Dear Common App,

We haven't known each other long, but already I feel a bond between us. Whenever I have a free moment, I think of you. I pull you up on my laptop and just stare at you, so overwhelmed at your breadth and depth that I do not even know where to start. My column of check marks is the only testament to the small dent I have made in you -- your mysterious questions are still just that, a mystery.

You hold the key to my future; you allow me self-reflection, help me to analyze every word I've ever thought and give me the means to classify myself in a million different demographics. Somehow, I have boiled down 18 years of life into one, 650-word personal statement that I fed right into you. You know me better than anyone else.

But I feel like, perhaps, we are not right for each other. For starters, $65/application is so expensive; what do you even use that money for? Isn't that a lot to just send my questions somewhere else? Then you limit me to 150-word answers, sometimes even down to 50. If you're not going to listen to me and listen to ALL of me, why do I even bother answering your questions? And then there's the nagging - I log in, and my deadlines are red with clocks on them. I get it! You want attention! But you don't do anything to actually demand action - try emails, or texts or something. You constantly ask for my contact info, so I know you have it.

Ugh. But I am obsessed with you. I have dreams of you, clicking submit on my final application and seeing that beautiful line of green checkmarks. I see red text and I think instantly of your logo, and I now try your password in every other field that I need a password for - even that email which I have had since age 12 and definitely should know the password for. You're all I talk about with friends - where are they applying? ED or EA, or regular? And you are the one tab I never close. I could never.

Yet you stress me out; you're never changing, yet I can't ever guess what is next. I can't read you; your deep questions like "Why NYU?" and "Tell UVA what your favorite word is" are too much for me. And I feel like our relationship is almost too much at this point - you're constantly asking me for things, and I am relying on outside sources to get the end acceptances or rejections - you can't even follow through!

Maybe we need a break. This is too much - after November 1st, we're going to have to stop this for a while. I need to focus on my other homework and stop living an obsessive fantasy that is never going to work out...

But, of course, I'll see you January 1st.

Love always,

A high school senior

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