Hey you, surprised to hear from me?
You're about to start your freshman year of college, something that you've been eagerly awaiting since... well... forever. It's your first time away from home, away from the comfort of everything you know and love, including your own bed. You're excited to make so many new friends and experience classes for the first time, and you have every right to be excited.
I come to you from the end of your freshman year, after all of the parties, the studying, and the college habits you'll soon acquire.
Here's what I have to report.
You'll have an easier time waking up for your early classes in the beginning of the year, especially since you don't have to wake up at six a.m. anymore. You'll also acquire a laziness that you haven't ever witnessed before. Remember waking up every morning to do your hair and make-up? Remember picking out the cutest outfits to go with your hair and make-up? Well, that'll end very soon. Sleeping on a top bunk makes a person extra lazy, which means you'll be rolling out of bed ten minutes before class starts, throwing your hair up in a ponytail and putting on sweats. It's all good, you won't be the only one doing this.
Your dorm room is your safe-haven, but it shouldn't be where you are twenty-four-seven. Go out and go to college events, you'll get tons of free shirts.
The dining hall sucks. Find other sources of food for late at night when you're doing homework and pick up an appetite.
Please take advantage of the gym on campus. The Freshman Fifteen is all too real, and you want to cushion the blow for as much as possible. Trust me.
The people you see will every day will change, aside from the people in your classes. They're new, and you should take advantage of this. Make friends in your classes, not only will you have an easier time in the classes, but you'll have more friends! (You'll see what I'm talking about soon!)
Boys are cuter than they were in high school, and a few may catch your eye, but don't make them your highest priority in school. It'll feel this way for a while, but you have to overcome it. As Christina Yang says, "He's very dreamy, but he's not the sun. You are." Oh yeah, you'll finally cave in and watch Grey's Anatomy.
Go out for formal recruitment! Don't back out from the rumors you've heard about Greek Life! They're not true, and it'll be the greatest thing you'll ever do in college. Aim High! (I guess I spoiled that one for you, huh?)
All in all, enjoy your freshman year. It'll be the most amazing, stressful, annoying, and the most wonderful time of your life.