Dear my Framily,
Well here we are, one year down and on summer vacation. It's so weird to think that we are on summer break and I am still in denile that we are on such a long break from not seeing each other for 4 months. When I said goodbye to my friends in high school that was bad enough but they where still able to see me and I would be able to hangout with them a little bit here and there. Now when I said bye to you guys a week ago it really was a goodbye for a while. I miss meeting you guys and seeing you everyday and being able to have you guys within 5 minutes of me. I remember being younger and not having many friends because they used to call me "weird, and different" just because I was my loud and crazy self. But now, when I'm not like that when I am around you, you know something is wrong. I only wish that I could bring us closer when we moved out and made sure that we could still see each other, but now I have something to look forward too in the Fall. I can't help but laugh at so many weird and fun things we did, like play hide and seek in McCarthy, or go for evening walks and be back in bed after midnight. Or the times when we would watch Netflix and take such a long time to pick something. And of course, all the scares you would give me and I would do a Scooby Doo jump and scream like a banshee. And the worst part was you never recorded any of them. I think I not only chose Framingham for it's teaching program but also because I knew that if I didn't choose it I probably would have such a different life and not know who you guys where. My life would be a lot different and I wouldn't have my Framily. It's so crazy that this year passed in a blink of an eye, I'm just thinking how much faster these next few years will go. But no matter what I will always be here for each and every one of you. Being an hour plus away from you is just not okay anymore. I am already over it and it has been more then a week. I can not thank you enough for all that you have done for me this past year. With helping me organize homework, and making sure I am okay and watching over me when my parents could do so much. I am more then happy at the school I picked for my pathway to becoming a teacher because of you. Because of you I am stronger then when I first walked onto FSU campus. Because of you, I know what my coordinate for teaching early childhood is. And because of you, I can call Framingham my second home. From the bottom of my heart thank you for everything.
A girl who was lost but now is found