Let me start this off by saying your beliefs are your beliefs, and mine are mine. But none of this stops me from thinking that your actions are inappropriate and aren’t doing anything for those you say are “oppressed.”
You are not oppressed, you are currently worth over 17 million dollars. This country that you say is oppressing black people and those of color, allowed you to be worth that and have the life you do. If you were oppressed you would not currently be making millions of dollars to run around a football field. You would not be where you are now.
I was just going to brush this all off until several players took a knee or linked arms during the national anthem on September 11th. Rob Lowe said it best when he tweeted “Dear @NFL Any player wants to boycott the anthem on 9/11 should be asked to remain in the locker room until kick off. It's not their moment.” They did not protest but they still took the attention off of the main focus. That was not your time to protest, that was not your time to start a movement, that was not about you. The events that took place on that day were bigger than you. They were about our nation on a whole taking a hit, we were all injured, we were all hurt, it was not about race, or color, or oppression. Now it is about healing and memorializing those we lost. You did not play this day, and were not given the option to stand or kneel or anything on this day, but your actions led to others doing these things. That was inappropriate and out of line.
People of all different races are harmed every day by different types of brutality, whether it be by police, against police, or by strangers against one another, it effects all of us. We don’t have a race issue, we have a people issue. We have an outbreak of horrible people doing horrible things to one another and not fostering good communities on a whole. You are not helping that.
Your protest is doing nothing but starting controversy. And yes, I understand that controversy is where changes starts, but you could be doing more if you really wanted to help. Other famous athletes are doing actual things to make a difference, but instead of putting in the time, money, or effort you sit down.
Do not take what you have for granted. You have the world at your fingertips. Use your voice wisely and make a change. But the way you are going about this is wrong.
Someone who feels like you are disrespecting the nation that has given you everything.