For those of you who have known what you wanted to do since day one, I applaud you. I am 22-years-old and while I know for a fact I love what I am studying, some days I still question if my current major is for me (10th major if you were curious.) I truly wish I had walked into college knowing exactly what my future held because that would have really helped me in the long run, I would have walked across the stage with all of my friends back in May, but that's not how the cookie crumbled for me. Luckily for me, cookie crumbling worked in my favor, I'm exactly where I need to be now and I'm happy to be here.
I don't know if anyone else has felt this way with their friends but I think my friends would play a game with me during my semesters at SUNY Plattsburgh called, "how many times will Gabby change her major before the end of the semester?" While I laughed along each and every time they'd bring it up, I was always really hurt after because I just wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Being in your late teens and early 20s, trying to figure out what you're supposed to do for the next 60 years is not an easy task, especially for someone who has a lot of passions in many different areas.
I've changed my major ten times:
1. Liberal Arts Math and Sciences
2. Hospitality and Tourism Management
3. Fitness and Wellness Leadership Program (First semester at SUNY Plattsburgh)
4. Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management
5. Back to Fitness and Wellness Leadership Program
6. Communication Disorders and Sciences
7. Human Development and Family Relations
8. Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management
9. Nursing (Transferred home to SUNY Adirondack)
10. Hospitality and Tourism Management
As you can see I've gone back and forth several times, but each of these majors have taught me something. I've learned a lot about myself and that's honestly all I could have asked for. Getting to try new things really help me figure out who I was and that helped me realize what I wanted to do.
I did so much during my time at Plattsburgh that I really don't want to be the girl who was only known for changing her major a few too many times. There were so many other things that described my activity on campus; creating and planning the campus Relay event with my co-chair, recruiting the largest new member class for my sorority since we were first established on campus, working my butt off as a Student Association senator and most importantly being a student who was so unbelievably proud to be a Cardinal. I held a job, two executive board positions, a senate position, while carrying 17 credits and still managed to hold a 3.6 GPA, I think that's worth a lot more than being a bit confused about a major. College is the time where you get to explore and participate in things that high school never gave to you.
So for those who are confused about their future and majors, it's okay to be in that place. It may seem scary, but you have to look at where YOU want to be in the future, not your parents, not your friends, only you. It may set you back a semester or maybe two but I promise you that extra work will be worth it in the long run, especially if you believe you will be happier at the end when you're receiving that diploma and working in the real world. Follow your gut and your heart, I promise they won't lead you in the wrong direction.
Now for those of you who are friends with someone like me, I beg of you, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, do NOT laugh at them when they tell you they're changing their major. It doesn't directly affect your life or your education, only theirs. Do not judge them either, believe me when I say, it was a hard decision for them and feeling like their friends are judging them only makes things worse. Supporting them is seriously the best thing you can do, because if you don't they'll just stop telling you about their choices. It doesn't take much to support them, even if you don't necessarily agree with them, do it because they are your friends, and they deserve your support.
The Girl Who Couldn't Make Up Her Mind