Dear Change,
No offense or anything, but you suck. Seriously, you are just the worst. Why do you even exist? I mean, I know WHY you exist, because life needs to move forward and it would be boring to just be in the same rut and yada yada yada. I guess there is a different question that I should really be asking you. Why do you have to be so unpredictable and hurtful?
I mean, you come in all shapes and sizes. Break ups. Failed classes. Natural disasters. Car wrecks. Friends moving away. Moving away myself. And a million other stupid little changes that really throw off a day or a week or a month. The list goes on and on really. And, it’s not enough for it to be hurtful or annoying, it also always has to be a surprise as well! Why is that the case? I mean really, here I am, just going about my life all happy and content and BAM! I crash into you and my world goes into a spiral.
Would it be so hard to give me some warning? I mean I feel like you could do something that would make my life stop spinning around like maybe give me a glimpse into my future so that I can see that it is all going to turn out well in the end? But before you say anything, I know that is not how this all works. You like to spring up on people, sudden and unexpected. There is no way that you would let that happen. Sometimes, because of all this change, I feel like it will never be truly possible for me to live the life I have been hoping for. Sometimes that life feels like a pipe dream going farther and farther away from me.
But, Change, despite what you might think, this is not a letter to tell you that I am giving up. Because I am not. I am not giving up on my happiness or my life returning back to stability. You can throw whatever you want at me. Trust me. I will keep fighting and pushing for the life I have been hoping for, “pipe dreams” and all. And do you know why Change? Because you cannot break me. Sure, I might be a little bent for a while, but there is nothing you can do that would cause me to give up hope. Nothing.
Now you might be wondering, why not? Well, I am here to tell you that no matter what you throw at me, there will always be something good. Something amazing. Friends will be there to lean on for support during break ups and classes that did not go so well. People will band together to help after disasters. Maybe I will even go visit a new place so I can see my old friends again. Really, Change, there is nothing you can do to bring me down. In fact, give it your best shot. Because I am going to use you to make myself stronger. And one day I am going to look back at you, laugh, and say, “See! I told you I could make it!”