To my dearest caffeine addiction:
I am so thankful that my mom introduced us when I was only 13. It all began with my first cup of coffee—at that time, more cream than sugar, but I’ve grown to appreciate you in your true form—black. I think she introduced us to take the edge off of my teenage crankiness but that doesn’t matter now. We’ve been inseparable ever since.
I appreciate you for your versatility. Brewed coffee, espresso, lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, tea, soda—the possibilities are endless. No matter what mood, you are always there and ready to satisfy my taste buds. You are so adaptable in my highly structured life, which is just one reason I owe you endless thanks.
I appreciate you because you are always there for me. Every morning, you are just waiting to wake me up. You silently do your job and never complain when I am groggy and cranky while getting ready for work or class in the morning. You are there when I need an afternoon pick-me-up. You give me the ability to make it through the rest of the day when I am doubting if I can. You are there when I am pulling an all-nighter after successfully procrastinating an eight-page paper for two weeks. You’ve been there any time I’m feeling down and never hesitate to come to my aid.
I appreciate you for giving coffee shops a reason to exist in the world. They give me something to do with friends when we need to get away and catch up. You give us a wonderful atmosphere to chat about boys, religion, families, and just life in general. When I am alone in a coffee shop, you always make me feel less awkward while I’m trying to finish reading that final chapter in my textbook.
As much as you are there for me, sometimes I feel like we are in a relationship and you are similar to a controlling ex-boyfriend. The constant desire for you is a bit overwhelming. The withdrawal I feel when I don’t spend enough time with you is exhausting—literally. The headaches are painful, and without you, I feel like I can’t function.
Just like anything else, I know too much of you is bad for me but I just can’t stop. I promise I will never kick you to the curb. You will always be a part of my life. No matter how much people tell me I need to cut back (and I know they’re right), I probably won’t. So thank you caffeine, for all you do. Even if sometimes, you literally are a pain.
Love always,