Dear brother of mine,
If you’re reading this it means you actually took the time to read something I wrote to you, unlike the letters I’ve sent while you’re in basic training (which probably ended up in the trash as soon as you saw the sender’s name, because who wants a letter from their annoying litter sister?). However, I know you secretly love me even if you don't want to read what I write to you. So if you're reading this, it's because you actually do have a heart and soul, and that's probably one reason why you decided to join the military.
To be honest, it took me a while to come to terms with the fact that you were leaving. The fact that you decided to up and leave indefinitely really freaked me out. All I could do was worry about what the future could hold for you, even if we weren’t the closest of siblings at the time. When you watch military movies, all you see are the terrible things that can happen and how scary it can be. I worried constantly about what would happen if you were sent overseas and I had no contact with you. However, once I understood your reasoning behind enlisting and learned more about it, I learned to appreciate your decision so much more.
I am truly humbled by your selflessness in joining the fight to defend our country. Out of everything else in the world you could have done with your bright future, this is what you chose and it says something amazing about your character. When you were faced with doubt about your academic future and left college, you didn’t just sit around and play video games and leech off of mom and dad. No, you put your big boy pants on and went to the Air Force recruitment office. You signed yourself up for not one, not two, but SIX YEARS of bravery and dedication to our country. And I don’t know if there will ever be a way to thank you for it.
I’m sure this isn’t exactly what you pictured when you were asked during your senior year of high school where you thought you’d be in 5 years, but you fearlessly accepted the challenge. Joining the military is not an easy feat and I applaud anyone who has the courage to do it (but clearly you more than others because, ya know, you are my big brother and deserve special props). From being basically stripped bare and built back up again as a whole new man, to endless amounts of physical training, to perhaps the worst of all, deployment, this job is not for the weak. I know many people aren't cut out for submitting to such authority and being so far from home for extended periods of time like many airmen, marines, and soldiers are in the military. It's especially uncommon that you see the folks of our small hometown taking such a big leap like you have, so you're one of a kind here! This is a position that is necessary for the safety and prosperity of our great country, and I am so thankful for people like you that have the guts to do it. It takes the dedication, determination, and true grit that you and our dad (whom you followed the footsteps of) possess to power through it.
I can’t wait to see the man you become once it’s all said and done. I’ll never forget all the times we used to play with our Beanie Babies in your room when we were little and how we used to be two peas in a pod back then. It’s crazy to know that you, my big brother who used to be shorter and wimpier than me, changed into this big courageous airman in the United States Air Force. I know that this experience is going to make a true man out of you and will create all kinds of amazing opportunities. I hope you fully soak in every single moment and take nothing for granted because as we all know, tomorrow is never a guarantee. So, live your time in the military to the fullest and enjoy the ride, but be sure you try to make time to talk to your dear little sis every once and a while!
Watching you ride away in that van from the recruitment office on the day you left for basic was really hard to witness, but I know you will do great things for me, our family, and this country. I’m really proud to be your sister, and you’ll always be our hero.