Dear Little Brother,
Your hugs are heavenly, your kisses are sweet and your love for everyone and everything is unconditional. You are my best friend, and I'm so blessed to have you in my life. Our family would be completely different if you were not in it. I can't even imagine living day-to-day life without you. You are almost 17 years old, but to me you're the baby of the family. And even though most of the time you don't act like a 17-year-old boy, which I guess can be a good thing, we love you just the same. You have made a huge effect on the people's lives that have gotten the chance to meet you, especially me.
For those you don't know what Down Syndrome is, it is an extra chromosome called Trisomy 21. I say an extra chromosome equals extra cute! It has different effects on different people, some more severely than others. People with Down Syndrome may not learn as fast as other people. But to me these people are the best people you will ever meet. They will always accept you and love you.
Little brother, you have taught me so many things, the list could go on and on. You have taught me to smile more often. Smiling is a beautiful thing, I don't know why more people don't do it. You smile every day, almost all day. You have taught me how to be silly, you keep me young and forever will. I am 18 years old with a young soul because of you. Thank you for making me still watch endless Disney movies, swing on our swing set, color in coloring books, make silly faces in Church and at the dinner table and enjoy life as a child would. Thank you for teaching me to love. You love everyone even those who treat or look at you differently which is something people need to work on. Thank you for reminding me that this world isn't that bad. It's actually a beautiful place when you look at it through your eyes.
It hurts my heart when people stare at you or treat you differently. They just do not know how much of a blessing you are. When talking about my brother and people tell me "Oh, I'm so sorry" the best answer I could give them is "No, I am sorry for you," because they will never know the gift you bring into people's lives. I am jealous of you. I am jealous of your innocence and never knowing what evil is. You don't see this world as an evil place, you see it as beautiful place. I can't express enough how thankful I am to have you as my brother and best friend. I know that no one will ever love me as much as you do. I also thank God for letting me be your big sister, I know I am a better person because of it. Friends come and go, but me and you will be together forever.
You are my little piece of heaven that God let me have and I love you to the moon and back.
Love, your big sister