I am sorry. I am so sorry that you have been hurt. I don’t know what happened, but that doesn’t matter. If you’re hurting, you’re hurting. I just hope that someone is holding you through this, even if that someone is yourself. Never forget that you can be strong by yourself even if you don’t think you can. Though this may be the hardest thing you have ever experienced, you will be okay. I know you’ve heard that a million times, but it’s true. You are not alone in your feelings. I’ve been there; the healing takes time -- and tears and chocolate and Netflix -- but I somehow wake up and I find that I am okay. You’ll get there, too.
We can be so tempted, after being hurt, to use hate as a distraction from the pain. Please try not to do this. You can pull a Taylor Swift and burn some pictures, but do not let your heart be overwhelmed with animosity for the one who hurt you. That hatred can express itself in ways that hurt those closest to you even though you don’t intend it. Invest yourself in the relationships you still have and give your friends and family all the love that you once had for your ex. Do not let yourself be swallowed by hate.
The biggest thing that you need to remember is that a broken heart is not a broken life. Sometimes, you don’t think that you can keep going and all you want to do is stay in bed and let yourself be sad. That’s understandable, but do not dwell in that place for too long. Make yourself get up, look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you are stronger than this pain. There is so much more to life than romance! Though the media may emphasize love stories, you must know that life is more than just that. There are adventures to be made, cities to be explored, cakes to be eaten. Go on the first adventure you can think of and if you feel up to it, go by yourself just to prove that you can. If not, grab your brother or your mom or best friend and drag them along with you. You learn a lot about yourself while you’re adventuring and there is always a story to tell at the end.
The pain probably sucks right now. I hate that for you. Don’t lose yourself over this heartbreak; learn and grow from it. I am so proud of you for making it this far. You’ll be okay. We will all be okay.