To my dearest boyfriend’s friends,
First off, thank you for letting me be a part of your friend’s life. Being in his life has made me realize so many things about the world and myself. So, I want to thank you for sharing him with me. I know our situation isn’t the easiest; dating long-distance is stressful. Thank you for understanding. I don’t get to see him that often, and Skyping is the only way to have those dates every relationship desires. When he tells you that he’s spending time with me, thank you for being so nice about everything. It makes me happy that he has supportive friends throughout our relationship. I don’t think we’d work if it weren’t for you all.
Thank you for accepting me into your friend group. It probably wasn’t easy accepting some girl when you barely got to see her. It probably wasn’t easy accepting me because you don’t really know me. I don’t come out very often, and it means the world to me that you welcomed me with open arms. Believe it or not, I was terrified that you all would hate me, not accept me and I would no longer be allowed in your friend's life. But, the complete opposite happened and you let me stay. Knowing I have friends hundreds of miles away, willing to accept me without really knowing me, feels amazing. It lets me know that my boyfriend has the best of friends in his life.
You’ve made me feel like family every time I visited, and that’s a wonderful thing to be a part of. Thank you for accepting me into your lives so that I feel comfortable around my boyfriend and you all when I visit. Thank you for all the memories and nights spent laughing. It's been an honor getting to know you all and eventually becoming friends with you all. When I’m eventually able to move out there, I know I’ll have amazing friends to welcome me to my new home with open arms; no judgment, no questions. I know it will be awkward in the beginning, since I’ll be around a lot more, but I am confident that we will all become the best of friends and things will be normal once again. A new normal, but a better normal.
I want to apologize, too. I’m sorry for getting jealous all the time. You’ve accepted me into your circle of friends and supported your friend through this rough situation, but I still get jealous when he’s with you all. He may not tell you that, but I am. I’m jealous that I can’t be with you all, making memories and having fun. I’m jealous because you get to have him in person when I can only have him electronically. To be honest, I’m jealous of everyone that gets to see him every day or three times a week. It’s nothing personal, I promise. I’m just jealous that I can’t be there having fun with you all. I had so much fun playing cards, celebrating the 4th of July and hanging out until the crack of dawn with you all. I’m jealous that I can’t do those things every day with my boyfriend and be a part of his life physically. So, thank you for understanding my limits and his. It isn’t easy watching him live his life without me, laughing, smiling, having an amazing time, but I’m trying my hardest to understand.
Your friend is my world, and I would never do anything to hurt him. Being with him has changed my life, sorry if that sounds corny. But, it has. He makes me the happiest in the world, and I hope I make him happy. You probably know better than I if I do. I would do anything for your friend. I want what’s best for him. Thank you for being my friends and understanding that I’m not going to leave your lives any time soon. I don’t plan on leaving your friend, ever. He’s my soulmate. So, I promise you now that I will never take advantage of him, bully him and, most importantly, I promise to never break his heart.
Love always, your friend,
His girlfriend