Dear ____,
At the moment, you and I are in two separate places.
2 seperate places
And I can't even begin to tell you how much I wish I could be right by your side. But I will be soon.
I know that it is very, very hard dating me from so far away. Certain days, things may seem impossible. But there are a few things I want you to know and understand when things get difficult.
I want you to always remember how much I care about you.
Despite the miles between us, I will never stop asking you how your day is, spontaneously calling you when I know you are having a rough day, or simply sending you a nice text message to brighten your day. Your happiness means everything to me. No matter how far away I am, you are always on my mind. I always want you to be having a fantastic day, enjoying yourself, and making memories.
I wish I could be there with you each day to experience all the good things.
experience all the good things
I wish I could sit across from you at the dinner table, greet you when you get home from work, and go out to do fun things with you every weekend. But I can't. At least not right now. And I wish I could.
I want you to realize how hard for me it truly is being away from you.
When something good happens, you are the first person I want to tell. Sure, you may only be a phone call away, but it's not the same as being with you and celebrating in person. When I'm having a bad day, you are the one I want by my side, hugging me tight, telling me that everything is going to be okay.
Please know and understand that I am loyal to you.
So many long distance relationships end because someone decides to be unfaithful. I would never do that to you. You are the one for me, and nobody else even catches my attention. Nobody here compares to you. I want you, and nobody else. So even with these miles between us, I will always be faithful to you. Just as I always know that you will be to me.
Finally, I want you to know that despite the hard times and missing each other like crazy, it is worth it.
missing each other like crazy
I may see you less than I wish. But when I do get to see you, my heart is filled with pure joy. I practically count down the days until I get to see you. The moment I lay eyes on you after our time apart, and I see your smile and eyes I love so much looking at me, at that moment, I am reminded how worth it our long distance relationship is.
I would rather spend time away from you and be able to still laugh with you, see you when I can, and live a happy life with you, than not see you at all. You add a happiness to my life that I could never know without you. One day, when there is no longer distance between us and we can permanently be together, we will look back at this part of our lives and be glad that we went through this together. Because the prize in the end, having you, is oh so worth it.
I'll see you soon, and I can't wait.
The woman who loves you, even from miles and miles away.