I don't know when we will meet or if we already have. I already know you will change my life. Most people who are in my life or were at one time, has changed my life in one way or another. I am writing to let you know, I am not in perfect condition. The people who say the past doesn't matter are liars. If the past didn't matter, then I wouldn't be the person I am today. And that's the same for you and everybody for that matter. I have been broken, lied to, manipulated, and lied to. In a weird sort of way, I'm grateful for all of those experiences. I learned to trust my instincts, realized my real friends where my family and dark chocolate, to never dumb myself down for anyone, never compare myself to anyone, and the impulsive decisions I make are the best decisions. However, here are some things you must know before we get too involved.
I don't want kids.
This isn't up for negotiation. Whenever I tell people that I don't want kids, nobody seems to listen. People always think I will change my mind or that I am too young to decide I don't want kids. I decided when I was 14 that I didn't want kids. No, I will not change my mind. Its been five years since I decided I didn't want kids, my opinion on still stands and it wont change anytime soon. Honestly, I will probably mention on the first date that I don't want kids. I am just saying this because if you do want kids, that's fine, I will start seeing someone else. I want to be in a relationship with someone who feels the same about kids that I do. I am mentioning kids on the first date, purely because I don't want to waste your time or mine.
I want to travel the world.
One reason I don't want kids is because I want to travel the world. Ideally, I would like to go somewhere new for about two weeks every year. My bucket list is six pages long and things are not going to cross themselves off. Some stuff is easy like Disney movie marathon. Other stuff is more difficult like go to Italy.
My career.
I don't need constant attention.
I am an introvert there are some things I like doing alone. If you want to have a night out with your friends, go ahead. I trust you and will be perfectly content watching something on Netflix or Hulu. I also want to mention that while buying me stuff randomly is a nice gesture, you don't have to constantly do that. I just need to know that you care. This is where the saying, "its the little things that matter" rings true. You don't need to put pictures on Facebook showing happy pictures of us and you don't need to randomly buy me my favorite coffee. I prefer you take me on adventures and introduce me to your family.
I'm very guarded.
Like I said, I have been broken, lied to, manipulated, and lied to. The chances of me kissing you on the first date are extremely low unless it goes really well. As time goes on, I will reveal more because I will be more comfortable with you.
When I say something, listen. I will do the same in return.
I want a tiny house.
Like I said, I am future oriented so I already have a idea for a house. I want a tiny house because then I will more money to travel. Plus I hate cleaning.
Some things about me:
Things I love: dark chocolate, Led Zeppelin, Guns N Roses, Aerosmith, coffee, reading, spontaneous adventures, hot tea with a spoonful of honey, tattoos both on me and other people (sorry Mom and Dad), Geeky stuff like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, cooking/baking, Winter weather, and Comic-con.
Things I hate: liars, manipulators, obsessive people, people talking during one of my shows, summer/spring/hot weather in general, and idiotic drivers.
Thank you for reading this list of things about me. I think you know you have your work cut out for you. I know I am damaged, but when I love people, I really give it my all. For the boy that loves me next, I am my own person. Just because you love me, doesn't mean I feel the same. I might be the moon of your life, but whether or not you are my sun and stars, is up to me to decide. Rejection is never easy, but once people understand that not everyone is going to want to date them, things gets easier. I have my own little quirks and I am sure you do to. I am not willing to change myself because I might end up alone. My quirks are what make me, me. I would rather be my quirky, optimistic self and be single than be unhappy and in a relationship. The same goes for other guys. I don't want a Calvin Klein model, I want someone who I find physically attractive even if other people don't, will make me laugh, is easy to talk to, is open-minded, doesn't want kids, is kind and compassionate, will go on adventures even if its to an ice cream shop at two am, and is just as geeky as me. I already know that the boy who I will love back is not perfect. Nor will he ever be perfect. I certainly am not perfect. All we can do is love each other for who we are. Because love is the best thing, that we as humans are capable of.