Dear Bikers, Skateboarders, Rollerbladers, and all other people on self propelled wheels,
I am an environmentalist. I don't eat animals and their by-products, I recycle, I advocate for using less wasteful means of transportation. I've even considered bringing my bike to school, so I completely and fully applaud all of you for your dedication to environmentally friendly means of transportation.
However, there are times when... well... I hate to say it this way but, YOU GET TOO CLOSE!
I get it, pedaling through a small, congested walk way is a challenge. It's hard to maneuver your bike, board, or blades around the moving students when you're at top speed. So, my idea is... go slower. This would be such a game changer for you! I promise it would change the way people view these college cyclists. Imagine if instead of a bike whizzing by you causing you to have a mini heart attack and drop your papers, you could hear the chain of a bike spinning behind you , leaving enough time for you to prepare.
BUT that's just one idea.
Here's a an even better one, a great invention called... a bell. And if you don't wanna invest in that purchase? Or if you're a blader/boarder? A more cost effective choice would be to just yell!
"Hey you! The brunnette carrying a laptop, a coffee, keys, and a cell phone? Yeah, I'm about to skate by on your left side at the speed of a mild mini van, so be prepared. It would be a SHAME if you spilt that coffee on yourself or on your electronics!"
These simple things can really change the flow of college campuses and make people actually enjoy being around the environmentally friendly, self-propelled transportaion option!
So please, stop (nearly) colliding with us and go slow or speak up!
Thanks and with love,
All students and faculty walking to class