To my newest sister:
All week long, I have been dreaming of seeing your expression when you open your bid day card. I have been standing on my chair, stalking your Instagram, and telling everyone I know about you for two long weeks. I yelled, waved and smiled my face off at parties just so you would keep coming back to our house. It was all worth it. This day proves that every bit of effort I put into recruitment has paid off because guess what? You are amazing. I hope you believe that because I do and our entire chapter does, too.
That’s why you’re holding your bid in your hand. Our chapter believes in you. I believe in you. I believe that you are a representation of everything I want to be and everything I wish our chapter to be. Freshman year can be hard on your self-esteem. Within two months, you will probably believe that everyone has a group of friends except for you. You might have to work harder to achieve the grade you want in your classes. You and your high school boyfriend might break up. You might find yourself eating Ramen noodles with a near-empty bank account. Allow me to assure you that this is all normal for every college freshman, and it does not reflect your worth.
Your bid means that when you are feeling low, this chapter will be there with hugs, sonic runs, and emergency sleepovers to support you. (Trust me, I’ve been there.) Your bid means that when you’re on top of the world, your sisters will be on your team, cheering you on. (I’ve been there, too.) Freshman year is full of the highest highs and lowest lows. Please know that your chapter will not doubt you. Your chapter will support you and is always looking out for your best interest.
I have learned so much from being a sorority. I have been inspired by our leaders and encouraged by my sisters. The experiences I have as a result of my membership are ones that I will treasure for many years. Already I am dreading leaving my sorority behind in my college days after graduation. I am extremely proud of the house I pledged, and I sincerely hope that every girl who opens a bid is proud of what’s inside. But especially you- I hope you are ecstatic to be in this house because I am ecstatic for you. I know what wonderful experiences are in store for you, and I know that you deserve every single one of them.
If you have any questions, ask me. If you want to vent about a frustration, text me. If you’re wanting to hang out, give me a call. There’s nothing I would love more than to be there for you like my Bid Day Buddy was there for me.
Welcome home.