Dear best friend,
You are my sister, my supporter, my future maid of honor and my life-long friend. When we met, I had no idea how much you were going to impact my life. The late night talks, road trips with the radio turned all the way up and falling into each other when life gets to be too much. Our friendship has faced a lot of ups and a lot of downs in this world filled with uncertainty, but one thing I know for sure is that nothing can come between this bond we have created.
I have gotten to know you better than most people and I have seen you at your worst, best and everything else in between. I have gotten to see you flourish and see the amazing woman you are and will continue to be. I have become protective over you because you deserve the moon and more, even if you don’t see it.
I’m protective of you in your current relationship because I know what you deserve and I don’t see you receiving it. You deserve someone who sees how incredible and beautiful you are on the inside and out. You deserve someone who will love you exactly where you are and someone who will build you up to be the best that you can be. You deserve someone who will hold you in his arms and tell you how much he loves you when all you want to do is yell at him and fight. You deserve someone whose heart beats faster when you walk into a room, and someone who loves every cute, sweet, funny or weird thing about you. You deserve someone who you trust without an ounce of doubt, and above anything else, you deserve a man who is living his life to glorify The Lord and who will love God more than he loves you.
I know your past is full of hurt and brokenness, making you think these kinds of guys don’t exist, but I promise you they do. I want you to be with someone who is pursuing his faith and pushing you further in yours rather than pulling you back, and a guy who doesn’t fear your faith but instead respects it and loves you even more because of it.
I want you to be with someone who protects your purity and who acts out his beliefs in that and holds strong to them. Find someone who practices grace and mercy when you mess up, and who doesn’t hang your past mistakes over your head. Find a man who is a leader in the relationship and leading you both to where you need to be.
Right now, all I see is you settling to remain in a comfortable place in your life. Being comfortable is one of the most dangerous things you can do in your life. I challenge you to break out of that and find joy in so many things that you are missing out on. Find the joy in being single and getting to focus on yourself, and find the joy in falling more in love with Jesus. Find joy in being able to experience college without anything holding you back. You need time to learn who you are and who you want to be in life. Find your identity in your Heavenly Father instead of in earthly things and earthly relationships. Let Him fill the emptiness in your soul, and find your entire strength in Him.
Find confidence in who you are and how fearfully and wonderfully made you are. You were created in the image of an amazing God, and you are more precious than rubies. I want you so deeply to have confidence in who you are from The Lord. Yield to Him and His plan for your life and an amazing man, the man that you deserve, will find you and make you happier than you could ever imagine.
Fight for the life that you have always dreamt of. Know that whatever man comes into your life, I will be there next to you making sure he treats you like the beautiful queen that you are. I will be there in the make-ups and break-ups and I will fight for you and for what you deserve. I promise to act like a mother and yell at you when you need it, but I also promise to love you through anything and everything and to hold you when life goes wrong.
Your best friend.