It’s been 2 years. It has been 2 full years since I called you best friend. We use to not go more than 2 hours without talking to each other much less 2 years. You were my first best friend. Ever since the age of 4 we were stuck like glue. You were at every birthday party, every church event, and every slumber party. We knew everything about each other. I knew your home life was rocky at times, but I held your hand through it. You knew my biggest flaws, but you held my hand through it. We told each other that out of all of the best friends everyone had we would be the ones to always stick it out. No matter the family struggle or the college stress we knew that nothing could separate us from each other. I guess we both underestimated the power of a boy though.
And just like that you were gone. He pulled you in like a fish gets pulled in by a rod and reel. He manipulated you into someone you’re not. He made you isolate yourself from the people closest to you. I don’t know what he said to make you switch your perspective on me, but mine never changed on you. You have always been the funny, feisty, lovable girl in my mind and I don’t think that part of you will ever change. But the part of you that was independent and didn’t let anyone tell you what to do or how to do it definitely left you. He runs all over you. Can’t you see that? You just picked up your entire life and did whatever with it that he wanted you to.
What happens when the end is finally the end? What happens when the day comes that he leaves you? Who is going to be there? You pushed away the people that cared for you the most and worst of all you pushed away the person who cared about you more than he ever could. I cared way more about you than he ever did or ever will because unlike him I see you for all you are. Not just your body or the title he gains from having you as his girlfriend. And maybe I am wrong. Maybe you will spend the rest of your life with him and that’s awesome. But I hope he was worth losing your best friend.
I still love you so much. Don’t you dare think that just because we aren’t friends anymore that I don’t care. I periodically sit in class and wonder what your day consists of. It’s sad to think back to how I use to know what every minute of your day consisted of. I wonder if he is treating you like the queen you are. I think back to the tears you shed that time when you two had called it quits before we graduated high school. I hope that you haven’t cried over him like that since then. I wonder how you like your new life. Is life better out of our small hometown? Are you happy? I think about how different it must be and constantly wonder if you have adapted okay.
I wish we got to experience all of the fun things I am experiencing in the college world together. I always thought we would. I thought we would join the same sorority and live in the same apartment. I thought we would have late night study sessions and eat at ridiculous hours of the night together, but none of that ever happened. I hate that I’m not doing life with you anymore but I wish you only the best. I hope your life is full of happiness and tons of laughter. Never stop being that ray of sunshine you always were.
Please never forget that no matter how long it has been since we last talked I am always here for you. My number hasn’t changed and I still live in the same hometown.
Sincerely, someone who misses you