I didn't know you in high school, but wow would my world have been completely different if I did. I feel like I've known you my entire life, and since I haven't, I'm okay with just feeling like I have. I never believed people when they said you find your best friend when you step outside your comfort zone, but damn am I glad I stepped out and found you. (Cliche I know).
Our memories are something I hold so close to my heart, and I'm not talking about all the amazing nights where we partied hard together, but the days I saw you and without hesitation, you hugged me and let me cry to you over someone you know isn't worth my tears. I thank you for your very blunt but much-needed advice, and your caring arms when I disregard everything you say and come back hating you for being right. Thank you for constantly listening to me bitch about problems you know won't matter in even a few days, but helping me deal with them like they're the end of the world.
I wish you saw yourself the way that other people who really know you saw you. You come off as such a hard ass and it's my favorite part about your personality because I know there're so many layers past that. You're one of the only people I can consistently be around for days, weeks, or months and not get tired of and wow is that hard to do. Thank you for knowing I'm bad at telling people what's on my mind, and knowing when I constantly ask you if you're mad at me, it's because I value our friendship more than most. Thanks for understanding my extremely dry sense of humor and for laughing at my jokes no matter how stupid they sound, especially when they don't make any sense to anyone except me. (LOL).
To the person who went through the absolute most in high school, I wish I could have been there to remind you that you do deserve the absolute best and you should never settle for anything less. God, and you're so intelligent and you don't even realize it. I feel smarter when I'm around you and that's amazing because I learn something new every time we talk. Oh, and your undeniable ability to be exactly who you are no matter what anyone else thinks... that's a trait everyone should have.
You're the sassy to my shy and the reminder to always stay true to who I am. You let me listen to the same 5 songs when I am obsessed with them until I find new ones, you're my dance partner and the one I can scream songs within the car. You're the yin to my yang and the friend I will never let get rid of me. We're too far into back out of each other's crazy, so hold on for the ride, my friend.