They say that if a friendship lasts for more than seven years, it is likely to last an entire lifetime. Thankfully, we have way more than seven years of friendship behind us because otherwise this distance between us would worry me.
It has been months since we have seen each other, and as each day passes, it gets harder to not see or talk to you. I am so incredibly happy that you know me as well as you do, because it is exactly when I am most sad that we haven't seen one another in such a long time that I receive a text or Facebook message from you, which brightens my entire day. It's hard, going form seeing you every day and talking to you constantly, to only seeing and speaking to you on occasion.
Sometimes, I find myself looking through the photos on my phone, searching for the endless amount of selfies you have left on it in order to relive our glory days and the crazy things we did together. And boy did we do some crazy things. Remember the time Shelia had a flat tire? That memory always makes me laugh. Sometime I watch videos I recorded from the Fall Out Boy concert we went to last spring, because it was the best concert I ever say. And when I am the most pathetic, I stare into the mirror making pancake faces (you know what it means) while thinking of you.
While this time apart has been hard, it's also been somewhat of a blessing. It is true, what they say, that you don't know what you have until it's gone. Not that you're gone. It just feels like it sometimes.
My goal of this article isn't to make you sad. I just need to express how I'm feeling about our separation, not only to you, but to other who can understand and are experiencing the same thing.
It's also an opportunity to talk to others about how proud I am that you are my best friend. My roommates, coworkers, and friends at school know so much about you because I am constantly talking about you and the things that we do and have done together.
This dry spell between us is also hard, because no one understand me like you. You know every one of my secrets. And it's hard not being able to tell you about every aspect of my life or to hear everything about yours.
I can truly and honestly say that I miss you so much. I can't wait until the next time I see you again. I love you Little Baguette.
Your Best Friend