To my best friend,
First off, let it be known how proud of you I am. I know that this is something that you have been wanting to do for such a long time, and I will never forget that look of pure happiness on your face when you told me that you finally did it. The tears of joy that fell from your eyes because of not only making the decision to be your true self to those that you love the most but for their reaction which could not have been better. Just by the look on your face as you were telling me how you went about it and how they reacted, I could tell not only how happy you were, but also how proud you were of yourself. I think you also realized how big of a step this was and how amazing what you did was.
I remember sitting in class one day back in high school, and you sparked up a conversation with our teacher about coming out and he basically told you to prepare yourself for every reaction. To prepare yourself for the ideal “we love you no matter what” reaction, the “It’s just a phase” response, and even one that might not be so easy to hear. You took his words into consideration and had many times where you were just going to go for it, but in the end just couldn’t give yourself that final push, or find the right words. Well, here you are, completely open to them about who you are, and it’s one of the greatest bits of news that you’ve ever told me.
Their reaction…one for the books. They didn’t make a big deal, they were accepting, and most importantly, they let you know that no matter what, they will always love you and that had to have been one of the greatest things to hear. I hope after this long journey to get to this point, that was the reaction you were waiting for. I’m sure just like everyone else that knows you, they look up to you for everything that you stand for and for your honesty with them.
I commend you so much for your strength and courage, for not being afraid of embracing who you are, for staying true to yourself no matter what the reaction of others could be. There is no one else that I would rather call my best friend than you. Just by being yourself and not being afraid of being who you are and owning every part of you, you have become one of the biggest inspirations in my life and I look up to you so much. You’ve come such a long way and I’m honored to have you in my life, and hopefully I will always be able to call you my best friend. You are an incredible human being and I’m so proud of you and everything that you do.
Much love,
Your best friend