It's me. I was wondering if after all this time you'd like to meet, to go over everything? All Adele aside, I know there are somethings we have to talk about. First and foremost I want you to know that what you may have heard is true, I've been sleeping with someone else. I don't want to lie to you, you know I care about you way too much to ever break that trust. I know I'm in the wrong here; it honestly isn't you, it's me. I understand that doesn't excuse my actions but I wanted to at least explain myself because I feel you deserve it.
I know we both said we could totally do this long distance relationship thing, but I'm not as strong as you think I am. I have wants and needs, and I really don't like sleeping on the floor. What happened between me and this other bed, I want you to understand it meant nothing. You're still my number one babe and you always will be. If it makes you feel any better, sleeping on this twin size mattress has made me appreciate you thatmuch more.
I should thank you more and I'm sorry that I haven't. You're always there for me at the end of a long day and you don't even mind when I stumble in slightly intoxicated at varying hours of the night. You seem to always put me before you and I truly appreciate that. Thanks for still staying with me even after seeing me cry.
If you'd do me the honor of granting me a second chance, I'd love to prove to you just how much you mean to me. I know sometimes you get jealous when I leave you on sunny days, but if staying inside with you all summer is what it'll take to mend this relationship then I'm willing to go to that length for you. In just a few short weeks I'll be back at home, our home, and I won't leave you again. Well, actually, unless I get that summer position up at school, and in that case, we'd have to cherish the few short weeks we have together. I know you don't want me to go, but deep down we both know this job would get us to the financial state we're longing to be at. I could finally get you that Vera Bradley blanket you've been wanting for so long. Remember, distance makes the heart grow fonder.
I know you have a lot to think about and I don't blame you if you don't want to speak for awhile. Just know that I never meant to hurt you and you always have a special place in my heart.
Much love,
Your Person