Let me start by addressing, this is not another article expressing how the media sets unrealistic expectations and standards for women and how all shapes and sizes are equal, (which is a whole other ball park in which I do indeed support), but more of an open letter to all the young women out there who have a twisted image of their own lovely and healthy bodies.
Constantly, I am informed of women my age that will consume no more than a protein bar a day in order to look good for a swim party or upcoming event.
Ladies, you are young and beautiful and you are way too valuable to be feeding the body that carries you one poor excuse-of-a-meal a day. As much as you may convince yourself otherwise, being fat is in the eyes of the beholder and odds are, you are probably way more critical of yourself than you deserve. If you are constantly filled with worrisome thoughts about your weight and eating habits, it is most likely preventing you from enjoying even basic activities of life.
As a college student myself, it breaks my heart to witness scenarios like these almost weekly. If you are between the ages of 18-21 and any other age for that matter, you should not put yourself through extreme measures to look a certain way.
Contrarily, as a college student myself, I get it. Beautiful women your age constantly surround you making it near impossible to not compare yourself. And if you fluctuate up gaining only a tiny bit of weight, its easy to immediately get self-conscious and sad and what not. Well to put it bluntly, it’s pretty absurd, really. You are your own worst enemy and I promise putting on a few pounds does not classify you as fat. It classifies you as human.
What saddens me the most is that majority, if not all, of the women this occurs to, are healthy individuals with beautiful bodies. What is not healthy is putting such nasty thoughts into your head. It makes me disappointed to see friends or in that matter, really anyone drive herself crazy about making the decision to eat a burger.
1. This is seriously sacrificing your health and 2.You are continuously convincing yourself of toxic, untrue thoughts.
I encourage you, if there is a true displeasure of a few unwanted pounds, talk to a nutritionist or professional or aim to commit to a healthy lifestyle. Committing to a healthy lifestyle is finding what works for your body, depending on your daily activities and routine. But eating one meal a day while working out 4 times a day is only making matters worse.
Here comes the Pro-women in me but truly, I cant emphasize enough how important it is to accept your body. It is a beautiful creation that allows you to do so much in this life. You don’t get a new body; this is it.
Enjoy life! Eat an entire box of pizza or eat a two serving salad at your favorite restaurant. Everything in moderation because it’s the damn truth.
If any of you reading this fall under the toxic I feel fat spell, take a look at your body and pick out one thing you admire. Easier said than done, but I promise you there is something special. Next week or maybe next month, find two and so on. Remember, you are here to live through your body, no to let your body live through you.
Life is too short to waste your time consumed in toxic thoughts, driving yourself mad over every meal you eat.