There are internet trolls everywhere bashing people over every subject known to man. Even some of my own friends on social media I would consider internet trolls. This is an article specifically for those people on social media who for some reason have a huge problem with and hate the Odyssey. Why may you ask? Who knows. People always need something to complain about.
For those of you who say, "all Odyssey writers write about are boys and love". That's funny because I'm pretty sure I have written numerous articles about important political issues such as the fact that Donald Trump is running for President. People write about what they think is important, that does not mean you have to agree or like what that person is writing about.
For those of you who say, "all Odyssey writers are terrible writers". I follow you on social media and the majority of your posts are not eloquently put however you think the whole world needs to read them. I do not make comments about your post.
For those of you making generalizations about Odyssey writers, you do not like it when I generalize about feminists or liberals. So what makes it OK for you to generalize about me? NOTHING. Get off your high horse and educate yourself before you make ignorant posts on social media. You will thank me later.
*Steps down from soapbox*