Thank you. I could stop there, and I could go on for an eternity, but I’ll keep this somewhat short. You saved my life and for that I cannot thank you enough. I often feel as though I owe you everything because without you I may not have still been here.
Your lyrics halted whatever downward spiral I was in. They made me stop and listen and breathe. I don’t know how a song could stop the thoughts in my head but it did. I don’t know how or why, but I do know that I will forever be grateful. I will forever feel as though I am in your debt because you gave me more than you will ever know.
You have no idea I exist, you had no idea your song(s) had and will have on my life and I hate that. I wish more than anything that I could thank you for everything you have done for me. It’s been many years since bad thoughts have crossed my mind and I have you to thank for that. When I start feeling down, your albums are the first I play. I could listen to our music on repeat for years and not get tired of it because of how it healed me when I was broken.
I have made friends who shared the same “obsession” for you that I do, yet I always have to tell people I’m not obsessed with you, I love you for what you have done for me. I always get weird looks from people who think, “whatever, she’s just obsessed”, but I assure you I am not. I am grateful. I am passionate. I am in debt to you. Things I wish I could express to you in person and know I probably never will. I wish that you knew what you’ve done for me, and I’m sure so many others, so you can continue to help us and others in need. I hope you never stop making music and following your dreams because at the end of the day, I have no idea where I would be without you.
I have never been able to identify with the crazy obsessed fans that would do insane things to be noticed by you. I have never been one to want to draw attention to myself which is probably how you saved my life in the first place. Music is personal, and it affects everyone differently. Yet there will always be one song that helps someone, and I'm blessed to say it was yours that helped me.