First, I want you to know how proud I am of you. You come in all different forms: singer, dancer, writer, painter. No matter the craft, you are an artist. You have decided not to turn away from this truth but make it your life.
Here you are, fighting the status quo, turning your back on the doubt and running head first toward everything you've ever wanted. That isn't an easy step to take. It requires courage and demands bravery. You had the audacity to follow your dreams in the face of a society that condemns the idea of stepping outside of the conventional box. I seriously commend you.
I know it's hard. Not fitting into the ever so popular STEM mold has made you an outcast, an outsider and center stage for ridicule. Everyone and their brother wants to question your decision and berate you with their negative opinions. They will ask you what you will do with that degree, tell you to have a backup plan or to just get a normal job. It is very hard to find supportive people. In most cases, not even parents and friends will encourage your decision to follow your heart. It's hard enough to take the risk and adding more pessimism to the mix never helps.
But you did it. You took the first step -- often the hardest step -- and became an art student. You realized you can accomplish so much more than the typical cookie cutter life has to offer. You are grasping for this truth.
I've watched people give up. I've watched people push their dreams aside. I've watched people leave their passion in the rear view mirror and sign up for classes they dread waking up for every single day because the arts building was just a little too unsteady. But you get one life. You get one shot to get it right. You were given a gift, a talent that you just-so-happen to love as well. Take the risk, turn your love of an art into a career and never look back.
The truth is you can do absolutely anything you set your mind to. Your fifth-grade teacher, the motivational speaker, the mural on seventh street was right... you can do it! Hard work and passion can take you to incredible places. You have realized this fact and your potential. You are studying an art to improve your talent, better your craft, and I am so proud.
No, the road isn't going to be easy. There are going to be tough times. There are going to be nights when you question your decision, consider backtracking, maybe even give up once or twice, but you will find your way back. You must find your way back.
The world may not know it but it needs you, they need you. A life without art is dull, it is meaningless. You're important, your career and talent are important and without you, the world wouldn't be nearly as beautiful.
So whether it's creative writing, musical theatre or photography, keep pursuing your dreams. Don't let the negativity get to you. One day, when your art touches the soul of another, you will realize it was worth it. All the doubt, all the ridicule, all the negativity, it was all worth it.