First comes the “Thank you.”
Really and truly, thank you all for being so incredibly supportive. The ones who read and share my articles every week without fail, I appreciate that more than you know! What you really don’t know is that I put a ridiculous amount of time and effort into this “little” Odyssey thing. There’s a whole process, and so much goes into it. There’s so many people that run and care about the success of each individual community. As far as articles go, I wouldn’t ever share something that I felt was pointless or that wouldn’t help someone in some way. But sometimes, that someone is me. Thank you for the feedback and the messages when I’ve helped out in some aspect of your life. Thank you to those that actually read them. Last but not least, thank you to those that think my articles are good enough to be shared to your friends.
Next, the “I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry that my posts clog up your timeline sometimes. I am sorry if you ever find it annoying. Social media is becoming something that the world relies on. Think about all the makeup groups, the itworks, and many others like it—that’s how they’re making a living essentially. I'm sorry that I am proud of the work I do and want it to be shared with others. Sorry that I have to double check with my family to make sure they’ve shared. I’m even sorry that I make you share articles that are COMPLETELY unrelated to you, but I’m so happy when you do. Sorry, not sorry, if you actually have a problem with it.
Now, the “This is important to me.”
I really love what I’ve been able to do this year and the group of people I’ve been a part of. I haven’t even been a part of this for a whole year and it’s already changed my life is so many incredible ways. I have awesome new friends from all over the country that have turned into such a supportive resource. My writing, my photos, and my stories have been viewed by thousands of people. I’ve gained invaluable skills that are going to help me in every aspect of college, work, and even life. So what am I getting at? What do I expect from my friends?
This is your time to say “It’s OK.”
Love your friend,
The Writer