Dear emotional freshman,
Saying goodbye to everything you've known for the past 18 plus years of your life is nothing but scary. I can agree to that. You'll have your "lasts" in your hometown with the people you've been walking around your neighborhood with since you were 5 in a half playing basketball in front of your house and writing your names in pink and green chalk, as mom brought out lemonade. Leaving them is hard.
Hugging someone that you see everyday and having to say "see you in 4 months" are words that came out in the form of razor blades. Leaving friends sucks. I'm not one to disagree with that.
Leaving your hometown. The last time you walk into your local coffee shop before you leave will get you. The last time you drive by landmarks that you have seen your entire life, is hard.
When you're in your dorm room and your mom and dad are about to go, or your mom, or your dad, or your moms or your dads. (whichever way you were raised they're all wonderful.) look you in the eye and say "Alright we'll see you soon." that is the worst goodbye of all. Hug your mom, laugh with your dad.
All of this is sad, and all of this change is overwhelming, but I promise you, your ride has just begun.
College is truly what you make it. You can sit in your room missing people all semester or you can go out and live. You can be and you can grow. Leaving your friends and family and hometown and everything you know is the scariest adventure I have ever put myself through.
But, starting college is the greatest thing I could've ever done for myself.
You 're 18, you're ambitious, the world is YOURS.
So hang on tight, buckle your shoes, and go.
Someone in your spot 365 days earlier