Today, June 27, marks an important day for women everywhere. In a ruling of 5-3 the Supreme court overturned the state of Texas' attempt to shut down abortion clinics. It is the year 2016 and we as a nation are just now figuring out that women should have autonomy over their own bodies. If you still identify as "pro-life" this letter is for you...
As a young woman who has aspirations of becoming a surgeon, an unplanned pregnancy is not an option. I know that you probably think it is selfish of me to say that my life comes before an unwanted pregnancy but hear me out. Before you jump down my throat saying I could give it up for adoption or even keep the baby listen here. Not only would I have to withdraw from school, I would most likely have to give up my career goals in order to financially provide for a baby that I would then spend the rest of my life raising. Yes, I understand that it is doable but its not a sacrifice everyone is willing to make. Then there is the ever so popular option of adoption. Sure, I'll just deal with all the financial burdens of prenatal care, and then carry the fetus for nine months only to go through the painful birthing process just to hand it someone else to raise, as if that would not be physically and emotionally exhaustive. Women who give their children up for adoption truly do give the greatest gift but I should not be forced to have to give that gift. I'm sure your next thought would be how did she get pregnant, was she not using protection, or maybe if it was from rape then it would be justifiable to abort... The answer is simple its none of your business why an unplanned pregnancy occurred just like it is none of your business regarding what the woman chooses to do with her pregnancy.
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I'm sure you probably believe that the fetus is actually a human with rights but as the fetus is living off the mother and cannot survive outside of the womb during the time of abortions (not late term abortions) I think that argument is invalid. I could argue the science of it all day but, ultimately, it comes down to the woman not the fetus. One of the most powerful rights we as humans are given is the right to autonomy over our bodies, how dare you want to take that away.
I'd urge you to think about abortion as a healthcare issue rather than a moral one. What if one day the government decided that cardiac surgeons were no longer needed so if you were a candidate for a life enhancing heart operation you must try and do it yourself, or travel outside of the country. We would never expect someone to do that, right? As a woman I deserve to have access to safe medical procedures. The fact of the matter is that making abortions illegal would just stop safe abortions not abortions in general.
I understand that most "pro-lifers" believe in such for religious reasons but just because you have a religious view does not mean that you have the right to impose that upon everyone. I have read the bible and free will is mentioned a lot so why don't we let others make decisions for themselves? If you are so concerned with saving lives why don't you put some of your energy into stopping the killing of innocent black males, or perhaps practicing the verse 1 Corinthians 13:13 and put love above judgement. You are entitled to your own opinion but what you are not entitled to is treating those who believe differently than you like crap. Put down the hate signs and spread the love.
I'm sure I did not change your mind but the good news is that the supreme court has the best interest of women in mind even if you do not.