To my go-to, my person, my best friend,
I don't know how to begin this article other than with a thank you. Thank you for everything. You were there for me when nobody else was, you've listened to me talk about my problems for hours and talked me through some tough situations. You're there for every bad thing along with every good thing. You've been there to celebrate the highs and more importantly stuck by me through the lows.
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You push me to be the best version myself that I can be and I will always be grateful for that. I can be my complete self around you and I know you won't judge me. You can immediately tell when something is wrong and you genuinely care to talk to me about what's going on in my life.
You have such a kind heart. You are the type of person that would literally do anything for anyone and that is the quality that I admire most in you. I could call you and say that I got a flat tire and that I was a couple hours away and I'm sure that you would be on your way the second that I called you.
You're the most positive person I know. You've been through so much in your life and you're so strong. You keep a positive attitude even when things aren't going the way you expected. You may need a vent session, but you always keep the attitude that things are gonna be okay.
When we're together we're always laughing. I can always count on you to be up for riding around for hours listening to music that gets us in our feels or even an occasional T-Swift jam session. I love our occasional shopping trips and even our little adventures that we go on. We always have so much fun and boy do we have some funny stories about things we've gone through, but that is what makes it so fun. When we're apart I don't worry about us growing apart or not being as close because when we see each other again we pick up right where we left off.
You're no doubt one of the best friends I've ever had. You've shown me what a best friend really is and how a friend is supposed to make you a better version of yourself. I love you so much and I'm so thankful that God gave me a life long friend like you.