Dear America,
Never in my ninteen years of life have I been so enraged with the way that society treats you. Regarless of your role in history and of all the obstacles you had to overocme to become the greatest nation on the planet, you are underappreciated and plagued with a growing virus. This virus is spreading like wildfire into the minds and hearts of each and every one that resides underneath your wings of protection. Not only are they becoming ill-minded, they are accepting lies and being misguided by those that act as “leaders” of your sovereign nation. How pitiful.
How pitiful is it that these people have ignored all the signs of oppression, and instead have accepted it as their own? Little do they know that you are watching them repeat the same mistakes that have committed years ago. It is obvious to you that history is repeating itself, and this is because they do not care to learn the past. They fail to learn. They fail to grow. Stuck in a bottomless rut, they believe it is home. By no means do they question their monotonous habits, but rather accept it as the norm. Without expanding their minds and hearts to the wonders of the world, they refuse to deviate from their routines. Hateful of new faces, scared of change, these people are not your people.
What has caused this drastic change in thought? Where is the freedom that our Founding Fathers have patented as your own? You are not scared. You might shed a tear or two, but you are confident. You will not shake in fear, nor hide in shame. In your heart, you know what is true and what will prevail. It has always prevailed.
After each creation that God made on this universe, He had one thing to say: That it was “good.” What does this mean for you? That love always wins. Love trumps hate. “Love is love, is love, is love.” No matter what unique qualities an individual present, LOVE ALWAYS WINS. This gives me hope in you America. I still believe that “We are One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Justice for All" and therefore, I will never lose hope in your promises. You are the beacon of light at the end of this dark tunnel. Lead us towards the light…
May God Bless You America, your faithful people who still believe in your values.
"Let freedom ring wherever minds know what it means to be in chains
Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain
Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key
We can be free and we can sing, let freedom ring" - David Phelps