Dear Little,
We met for the first time at 1851, ordered some delicious paninis, and talked. I had so much fun hanging out with you. I didn't have to work to keep the conversation going, because it didn't really ever stop. It was liked we had clicked instantly. I remember thinking as I walked to class that day, "I think I just met my little." I would say that was pretty premature of me, if I hadn't been right, but I was so right.
We've only known each other for about two months and already you've become one of my best friends and my soon-to-be-roommate. We've had movie nights, Netflix nights, gone to the fair, gone on crazy adventures, gotten lost together (my fault, I know), and recently gone apartment hunting. And I've loved every minute of it.
Thank you for putting up with me when I'm hyper (which is all the time). Thank you for listening to me rant about everything. Thank you for eating unhealthy with me and then going to spin with me the next day. And most importantly, thank you for waiting to watch the Stranger Things 2 finale with me. I know that wasn't easy.
I promise to always be the best big and friend I can be to you. I promise to always be there for you, whether you need me or not. I promise to always be a phone call away. I promise to love you, even when you can't decide where to eat.
Thanks for being the most amazing little a big could ask for!
Your Big