Dear Future Students,
I take my job as an educator very seriously and I can truly say that I love my job. While many people may think that my job is just to teach you reading, writing, and proper grammar, these people fail to realize that we are also character developers. We teach you all how to be bright, kind, accepting, hardworking individuals with unique personalities. Your character in this world defines who you are. Looking through the lens of an educator, I want to see all of my students expressing kindness, strength, courage, and acceptance. However, the responsibility falls on my shoulders because all of you represent the future of this country. You are all the next motivators, innovators, and collaborators. You are all a part of the generation that will make a change, so here are my promises to ALL of you.
As your teacher, I promise to respect every single one of you. I will listen to all of you, and not judge your opinions or beliefs. It is our beliefs that make us who we are, so I will respect how each of you feel. I promise to accept every one of you, and will expect you to accept one another. I promise to be kind and teach you all how to be kinder to one another. I promise to be someone you can confide in, and come to for advice. I promise to help all of my students, because I do care about each and every one of you. I promise to be one of your biggest supporters, because I want you to succeed in anything that you put your mind to. I promise to accommodate all my students, and teach to their specific needs. I promise that I will make my classes interesting and fun for all my students. I promise that my class will NOT be considered pointless, because I will teach you skills that you will use later on in life. I promise to be there for all of you, even when life gets hard for myself. I promise to defend your rights, privileges, and beliefs, because I am your advocate. I promise to be the teacher that you will all look up to. I promise to be the teacher you will all remember one day. I promise to be the teacher that does more than teach in a classroom, because I want to be the change in education. I promise to protect you from bullies and bad people, but I will also teach you how to pick yourself up. I promise to work with you to achieve a common goal. I promise to be tough and push you all to do your best work, because I know you are all capable of more. Most importantly, I promise to be the best educator I can be, because I truly love my profession.
Furthermore, being in the classroom and teaching students is a very important job. It takes a person with a good heart and spectacular mind to educate students of all kinds. Teaching kindness, acceptance, and confidence is not a waste of time. Our students are not getting enough out of us. They deserve to experience every piece of our instruction, not just the test pushing piece. These traits will help build the characters of our students, and make them better people. Do not be the teacher that does not make a difference, because that is what I strive for every day. I want to BE the change, because I am not willing to wait around for the change to happen.