To all my single ladies,
Beyonce is not the only one who sees and feels where you're at in your love life right now. I totally feel you! As much as I would love to go on a rant about how your Prince Charming is on his white stallion with your address in his GPS this very second, I want to shed some light and encouragement on a few of the realities of this season in which we find ourselves.
I know it is so tempting to constantly dwell on singleness. For some of you it might be hard to even go one week without a relationship with a boy in some form or fashion. I have found there are things about yourself you can only realize when you are single. Dating is absolutely awesome when it is the right guy, but the Lord can do amazing things in your heart when you are flying solo!
Here are a few observations:
Just because guys are not pursuing you does not mean they are not noticing.
Even when guys notice, sometimes it takes them a while to get up the courage to pursue you because you're flawless and that is intimidating!
Statistically, guys don't catch up with us in maturity until they are 25. Let me repeat that, 25! No wonder we are plagued with commitment-phobes and flaky bros who can't seem to pursue us well.
It is easier to understand the power of girl time when you don't have a guy in your life. There is nothing like laughing about each other's awkwardness with your best gal pals.
For my single ladies pursuing a God-fearing guy, the Lord is not going to leave you hanging! Even though it is confusing when things don't work out, He opens another door when He closes one.
You aren't doomed to be a cat lady if you graduate college at 22 without a boyfriend or a husband. I can't emphasize this enough! I'm going to go on a tangent about this because I think it is an important truth so tune in:
*The culture of the southern United States is one of marrying young and having this set-out life plan that includes dating throughout college, marrying right after, getting great jobs and making a solid salary, getting a dog, and having kids. That does NOT mean you are odd or destined to be single the rest of your life. You are 22 years old! You have plenty of time and amazingness to share in the coming years.
The culture tells us it is part of being young to have a boyfriend we can take cute Instagram pictures with and go on fun fall-themed dates. They very rarely talk about how successful relationships function - which is with plenty of trials and unconditional love.
I am not saying if you have a guy in mind that he won't ever pursue you or if something didn't work out a while back the Lord can't work it out in the future. People mature and develop emotionally and mentally (Praise the Maker for that!). I do encourage each of you to embrace this time of singleness.
There are so many things you can only do when you are single. And, although it makes it hard to not want a guy by your side in all your adventures after watching a classic rom-com, there are plenty of years ahead for all that.
One final thought: DON'T SETTLE! Don't settle for an immature guy who doesn't pursue you well and doesn't care about a future with you. Don't settle for whoever shows up because you're desperate. Your future perfect guy will treat you 1000x better and appreciate the confidence you've developed in your season of singleness!
Hold on tight, your Prince Charming will be mounting that stallion before you know it!