An Open Letter To All Black Lives Matter Supporters | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To All Black Lives Matter Supporters

What has happened to your founding beliefs?

An Open Letter To All Black Lives Matter Supporters
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To Whom It May Concern,

Has it really come to this? I’ve lost all respect for your movement now. What has happened to some of your core beliefs of empathy and diversity? Since when were the men and women of our police force excluded? Now, I know I am not a person of color. I know you might be sitting there telling me that I won't get it because I’m not black. Now, hold on a second. There goes your core idea for diversity. Once you do that, you are approaching me in a stereotypical manner. You assume that just because I’m white I haven’t had any struggles of my own. Granted, our struggles may be different and the way we overcome them may be as well.

My problem is not with your skin color. My problem is the way you are acting towards others. You talk about treating people differently and having respect towards all people. Yet you don’t do it yourself. You make it a point to vilify our police force without even hearing about the evidence first. Why do you do this? Think about it for a second. If our legal system worked this way we would never have a fair trial in this country. Even with that being said. If evidence comes out against your side proving the victimized party was guilty, you still continue to support their cause. Why are you doing this? Your calling should not be to decide the fate of our police officers. It should be focused on the original purpose. That is to better your surrounding community by making it more safe, and limiting black-on-black crime.

On Thursday, July 28, 2016, your group chanted during a moment of silence for the lost lives of innocent police officers. It was just vile behavior. How do you expect to gain respect from such a huge authority figure such our police force if you do not show them any respect yourself? Marching in protest with signs saying #FTP (F*** The Police) or hand drawn pictures of pigs as cops doesn’t help your case at all. Stop the ignorance from your side. Everyone is tired of seeing it. It’s bottom line distasteful.

Your leaders have constantly compared the Black Lives Matter movement to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s. Let us set something straight here. How many times did we see those protestors back mouth to the police? How many times did we see any anti-police, or anti-white, signs? How many times were innocent cops slained while protecting those protest? This movement, not matter how hard you try, will never be akin to the Civil Rights movement. It will never be unless you journey back and listen to the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Show a little compassion. Work with one another to achieve your goals in the right way. Once you actually give this a chance, it may actually change the conscience of your opposition.


A Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter Supporter

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