Growing up is hard. Being a teenager is hard. Life happens to you and often times you find yourself taking a step back from what is going on and question it. It’s a rollercoaster of good times and challenging ones. For anyone who is looking for life advice, here it is:
- “The only mistake in life is the lesson not learned”
- Always, always, always listen to your gut
- Happiness is a choice
- Home
-Albert Einstein
You will make mistakes- lots of them and we all have. We say things we wish we could take back, do things we wish we hadn’t and allow people in our lives that we shouldn’t have. There are very few situations in life that can’t be worked you.
Learn to apologize, learn to change your path, learn to cleanse your life of people who impede you progress, happiness and goals. Move on. Making mistakes do not determine your worth, but what you learn and how you resolve them determine everything.
Always listen to your spirit (inner voice) and follow through. Not just listen to your inner but you must honor it by listening to it, that inner voice is your best source for advice and guidance you will ever have. Combine that inner voice with your strong relationship with god- make the commitment to act. Always listen and when in doubt DON’T.
Choose to be happy. So simple but so true. Someone will always have more than you do. Learn to be happy with what you have, own your thoughts and be in control of where they are directed and you will own happiness. Write thank you notes, show gratitude to your friends and family. Be thankful for the small things and big.
Call with anything! They have been your age once and few things shock them. Your family is there for you. The door is always open. Your home will always be there with open arms and love. They have loved you every moment of your life. They love you more today than ever. This love comes without strings but life does not.
If there is anything you want to achieve, knowledge you want to gain, friends you want to make, it is now entirely up to you.