Dear Adventure,
I’m thanking you now, because I don’t know where you will take me, but I know you will bring me great joy. By the time anyone is reading this, I will either be on a plane to England, or possibly in England. So I hope you all have a happy holiday season, because I won’t be seeing you for a few days. Two weeks to be exact. I have two weeks to embrace adventure and let it swallow my body, as if I were a bite-sized snack.
I’m spending one week in England and one week in Spain, but I can barely wrap my head around the idea that I’m going to be with my camp friends again. It’s not everyday that you get to travel across the ocean with people who mean the world to you. I am beyond excited for this adventure. My friends have planned out where we are going and when, I am just going with the flow on this trip. I know that it’s easy to get trapped in our phones and brought into an artificial world of Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc; I hope that I can live every moment to the fullest. To embrace the culture and fully immerse myself into every experience.
So, Adventure, I thank you. I know that you bring wonder and excitement to many people. Wonder about how big the world really is; and what we mean to the communities around us. I always find that I ask myself big-questions when I go somewhere new. I try to take in my surroundings and see how my life compares to the one in front of me. Excitement for whatever has just happened or is about to happen. I love flying, so automatically, I’m excited for this adventure. I’m anxious to see what I learn about myself, and the world around me. Not anxious in a bad way, anxious in the way you know something good is about to happen.
I’ve never been to England or Spain, and I haven’t gone overseas without some form of adult-supervision. This will be very new for me, but I am thrilled to be taking this opportunity and this adventure. I hope to take pictures of every meal I have, but don’t hold me accountable for it because I’m not sure if I’ll be able to. I also want to write in my journal every day of this trip. So much happens in just one day, and I want to be able to relay all of it. I want to have pictures that I can scroll through in a month and start laughing because that one captured moment was so absolutely beautiful.
This life is made up of moments. Moments that we share with others. Moments that we pass down from generation to generation. Moments that give us such joy, or so much pain. These moments are important because they remind us that we are all human. Good things and bad things happen, but the good moments have to keep us going. And please, Adventure, bring me so many good moments over the next two weeks.
Another college girl on her way across the ocean