Hey Nano-Writers.
We are coming down to our last days of the November National Novel Month. As a matter of fact, as I am writing this letter to you all there are about three days left now. I wanted to first give you a big cheer for taking the time to participate and signing up to be a part of it.
It is not easy to put ourselves out there. I know when I first signed up I seemed overwhelmed and confused. But I can assure you each year you participate it will get easier and you will learn something new in the end.
I know this journey did not come without sacrifice. Most of us live busy lives and at the end of the day we have to find the time to write. I know for me, as a mother of three children, I had to set my schedule in order to be able to work on NaNoWriMo. As of right now I have about 39,000 words. I am not sure if I will be able to get to the 50,000 but I am enjoying the story I am creating. So take the time to give yourself a pat on the back and be proud of what you have created.
I know for me it is not about getting to the goal. For me it is about the interaction with the other Nano Participants and buddies that share your passion. No matter how you do be proud of what you have accomplished. As long as you know you gave it all you've got you should be proud of what you have done. Also just because NaNo is over does not mean your story ends there. Now you can begin to work on looking over the story and making changes. The revising period can begin to structure your story. Finally, Nano Writers, you can also plan on National Novel Month for the upcoming year and what it is you would do differently. Just don’t panic or over stress about getting to the fifty thousand words. The key is to enjoy and keep on writing.
Sylvia Stein
NanoWriMo Participant 2016