To my 12 year old self,
Wow. Life is tough, isn't it? You're 12 years old which means you're currently blonde (not a good look on you, by the way,) worried about taking the ITBS because you think it'll affect your future (here's the thing: it won't,) struggling with the basics of pre-algebra and wondering where you'll go to high school all while simultaneously trying to balance the struggles of friend cliques. There's no doubt about it-- this point in your life is certainly not the easiest in comparison to the 12 years you've experienced thus far.
I'm here to tell you that basically nothing you think is going to affect your future at this point will actually have an impact on your life. I'm here to tell you that these years, the middle-school years, are awkward for everyone and anybody telling you that they have their life together is a bunch of liars. Seven years from now, I can tell you that boys are still dumb, girls are still mean, lipstick is still hard to put on and you have no idea what you want to do with your life.
Here's the thing: you're struggling hard with life, friendships, mental health, and your grades. Wanna know a secret? You don't have to. Lesson number one: please study more. Please. Grades are so so important, even at this age. You need to learn how to study because when you get older, school is going to kick you in the rear. Lesson number two: the friends you currently have are not infinite, I'm sorry. The friends you have in middle school are not going to be the friends that stick by you for the rest of your life, so please don't feel hurt when you wake up one day and they don't want to hang out with you at lunch. Times change and people change with them. Lesson number three: do not let people treat you like a doormat. You are much better than that and you deserve more out of life than to sit at home crying because you weren't invited somewhere or because you give your all when others only give some. Speaking of sitting at home crying: don't. Do not let your friends treat you like garbage because you are anything but. Make new friends and do not be afraid to stand up to others.
Middle school is nothing short of awkward, humiliating and a learning experience. You're struggling and there's no doubt about it; however, you're not alone. Everyone is going through the same thing. Please don't spend your middle school years as a wallflower because you deserve to blossom. Middle school is a taste of some of the freedom and independence you will be given in middle school so there's no need to worry that you'll be stuck in the rut you may feel like you're in now.
You are so much more than you give yourself credit for. You're smart and talented, so please don't let anybody dull the light in you. You deserve the best out of life and you need to remember that.
Your 19 year old self.
P.S. You're still obsessed with Taylor Swift and haven't missed a tour yet, so that's pretty dang awesome.