To the girl he cheated on me with, this is not to bash you. Although I know your name. I know it O so well; I have heard it one to many times. I'm not going to say it.
These are just the things I have been wanting to tell you.
You were selfish in every way. You didn’t care that I was completely in love with this man. You didn’t care that I saw a future with him. You didn’t care that we stayed up late nights speaking of our future family.
You liked our pictures together continuously, telling us we were a cute couple. You knew about our relationship so you aren't allowed to play the I didn't know y'all were together card. You would speak with him and tell him he should marry me. You would encourage him to work things out with me. YOU did that. I was grateful that you had become such a great friend to him and that you were there for him. I had complete a total trust in him although I had various reasons not to trust him anymore.
You turned around and took him right in front of me.
He began to forget our dates. He began to start having to work to very late. He started missing my calls , and calling me back furious asking if I didn’t trust him.
That was when I knew things were wrong. You saw me cry over him. You saw the pain in my eyes when I realized our relationship was evaporating right in front of me. After things were said and done you knew what was happening.
You couldn’t even wait two days before you were already around his arm.
And that was when I knew what was going on the whole time. That was when people started to inform about what had be happening right in front of me. At that moment all I wanted was that you didn't hurt him. I put my feelings aside and hoped you didn't damage his heart.
I will never understand how you could do it. How you could kiss him on the side and also act like the perfect friend. How could you do what you would not want done to you?
How did you sleep beside him knowing that I was at home wondering why he had canceled on me? How could you kiss him knowing the next morning he would be beside me telling me he loved me? How were you okay with him going to church with me on Sundays and taking him that afternoon? How could you text him to go over knowing that he was with me?
I was angry. No, I wasn’t angry I was enraged. I was depressed for days and did not have the will to do anything. I didn’t know who I had became. After that occurred I hated you. I really did but I don’t anymore. I forgive you. I want to say Thank you.
Thank you for letting me see the person he was. Thank you for showing me who what he was capable of. He turned into a completely different person. He turned into someone I didn't recognize. He wasn't the person I had fell in love with.
Thank you for showing me not to trust every person that comes along. Thank you for reminding me that he was not all I had in my life. Thank you for getting my life back on track. Thank you for the lesson.
But most importantly thank you for making me run to the Lord for comfort. Thank you for reminding me who was there the whole time for me. Thank you for showing me the distance I had put between the Lord and I for him. Know my relationship with the Lord is stronger than ever. And I vow to make sure that in my next relationship I put the Lord first.
I wish you the best. I wish you nothing more but happiness.
I don't hate you. I thank you.