Dear Amazing Teachers,
I honestly haven't properly thanked any of you enough. From my first day of freshman year to my last day of senior year I truly enjoyed my time in high school.Getting up at unreasonable hours in the morning and attending school was possibly the worst thing about school. But knowing that when I got to school I would get to some of my favorite people made it truly bearable to wake up at six in the morning. I just want to say Thank you. Thank you for being encouraging, an advocate, and most importantly a cheerleader to all of your students even the ones you didn't teach.
To my Math teachers: Thank you for your patience. Math has always been my least favorite subject since the day multiplication was introduced to my 3rd grade world. But I was blessed and thankful enough to have one math teacher for two years because she is was just that amazing. You made me realize that math could be fun (AKA Probability and Statistics) and that sometimes the questions are complicated but the answers are simple.
To my English teachers: Thank you for introducing me to classic literature. My love for Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Harper Lee have made me enjoy reading even more. The only year I think I questioned did I really love English was senior year, when we had to do the dreaded senior project. An although I procrastinated and did not want to do the project whatsoever, I'm glad I did it. I learned a lot about my project, myself, and that senior project wasn't has bad as everyone said it was.
To my History teachers: Thank you for making learning exciting. I think every history teacher knew that learning history wasn't really fun, and that students dreaded learning it because they considered it boring. But not my history teachers, they made learning history easy, up to date, and fun! Although junior year in APUSH was definitely a struggle I must say. I loved learning American History even though taking your test (Which were EXTREMELY HARD) made me want to cry. But I still love you for pushing us and constantly believing that WE CAN DO IT.
I will never forget your cheerful spirit, and your love for Teddy! I mean no one will ever be as cool as him and the Moose Party.
To my Publications teacher: Thank you for helping me realize what I wanted to major in, in college. I really did not know until I was on the Scroll staff that I had a eagerness for writing. Thank you for always been there for all of your students, and for constantly asking, "How are we doing?". Thank you for showing compassion even when you were absolutely frustrated with us. Thank you for allowing me to come in your room in the morning before school to just sit and talk, in addition to letting me have lunch with you in your room everyday of senior year. I enjoyed every second in your class. I would honestly go back, and sit in the corner behind the chalkboard if I could.
To my Choir/Theater teachers: Thank you for helping me become a better singer and introducing me to the world of performance arts. I have an incredible passion for music and Broad Way performances now. The How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying soundtrack is still my favorite thing to listen to, and being stage manger for the school's production is absolutely one of my favorite memories. Thank you for being awesome and helping the class realize that we could put on awesome productions if we just put in the effort.
Every single teacher that I had has taught me that learning matter more than the grade you received. All of you have contributed to the person I am today. I am so humbly grateful for the compassion, advice, and understanding you all have showed me in my four years of high school. I know that as I continue to grow and achieve my goals in life I will always have you to thank. Like everyone says good teachers always bring out the best in students. Thank you for constantly reminding me that there is no elevator to success and that you must take the stairs. You all have definitely brought out the BEST in me
Your Former Student