You're never too old to make a new friend and you should never stop trying to make friends because you think you have enough already.
Friends have the ability to transform our lives into something we could have never imagined.
They love us for exactly who we are and that's a special thing because unlike our family, they don't have to.
Friends are the people we want to go on wild adventures with because they remind us that life is short so we should have fun.
Remember not every friend in your life has to be your best friend, but you'll find your life is more enjoyable when you're surrounded by friends.
It's become somewhat unpopular to have many friends, but I think we should change that.
In college especially, we are exposed to so many people so why not take the chance to get to know some of them?
Every time you leave your house is an opportunity to meet someone new. You never know whose life you could end up touching, or who could touch yours.
If you walk around life being closed off and uninterested in anyone that isn't already your friend you'll miss out on so many amazing connections.
My sorority has taught me to open my heart to all kind of people, both within my sorority and without.
In a sorority, everyone has the same core values, yet at the same time, everyone is so different.
We come from different places and we're interested in different things, but we don't treat our differences as walls separating us, we look at them as qualities that make our organization stronger.
This idea has encouraged me to seek friendships with people I never imagined I'd get along with.
I've found I live a life full of love and support since I started opening my heart and my mind to people of all kinds.
So the next time you're in class waiting for a lecture to start, strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you because there's always room in your heart for a new friend.