Dear Girl Friends, Sorority Sisters, and Female Family Members,
I used to look upon Valentine's Day with the utmost contempt and dread. It's a fake holiday created by Hallmark to suck the money out of gullible, insecure girls (or more specifically, their significant others). How on earth buying someone a teddy bear that's bigger than they are shows you love them, I'll never know. Nevertheless, each year, I watch the V Day standards become higher and higher: flowers, chocolate, expensive dinners, horse-drawn carriage rides, "Will you marry me?" spelled out by fireworks in the sky. (Okay, so the last example was a bit of a hyperbole, but you get the point.) I laugh because all of these so-called "romantic gestures" feel more like empty attempts to buy someone's affection. Aren't I lucky that I don't have to deal with any of this nonsense?
But then I see all of the date and engagement pictures on Facebook and Twitter, and the cynical shell around my heart begins to weaken. Everyone looks so happy and in love, and where am I? Watching some sitcom on Netflix for the 100th time. And that's when my self-esteem takes a sharp nosedive. All sorts of negative thoughts run through my head: No one loves me. I'm going to die alone in my house and they won't find me for days. I might as well go ahead and adopt cats and watch "Bridget Jones' Diary" on repeat.
As I'm sitting there, feeling sorry for myself and binge-watching "Parks and Rec," I come across the episode, "Operation Ann." In this episode, Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) introduces the most beautiful holiday of all: Galentine's Day! Galentine's Day, February 13, is all about celebrating the positive female relationships in our lives. Leslie explains, "It's like Lilith Fair, minus the angst. Plus, frittatas!"
After I watched that episode, I didn't feel as lonely anymore. I may not be dating anyone, but I do have a lot of love in my life. So, I wanted to give a shout out to all of the strong, wonderful women that I'm so grateful to be surrounded by. You guys help me be the best I can be. Whenever I'm feeling down about myself (which is frequently), you remind me of all the wonderful qualities I have.
You make me smile every day, give me constant encouragement and support, and make me laugh when I feel like I'll never be happy again. In short, I don't know where I'd be without you.
Valentine's Day still isn't my favorite, but I don't hate it as much now. Romantic relationships aren't the only ones that matter; strong, platonic relationships are just as important. While I wish I could take you all out for waffles to show how much I love you, this letter will have to suffice. Thanks for being amazing people that I can always count on!